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Welcome, Palle Rye – BEAR Project

Welcome, Palle Rye

On September 1, 2018 Palle Rye started as a PhD student at the Department of Electronic Systems at Aalborg University.

Palle Rye graduated as M Sc E E  from Aalborg University in 1998. For 10 years, he worked as an Acoustics Engineer in the telecom industry, being involved in audio development of more than 20 different mobile phones totaling more than 20 million units sold. Responsibilities included innovating, analyzing and optimizing complex acoustic systems, from concept and implementation, to type approval and production. He has also in-depth experience implementing and adjusting digital signal processing for suppressing background noise and echo or otherwise enhancing speech and music. Until 2018 he taught Physics, Technology and Electronics at Tech College, continually developing hands-on projects and bringing engineering tools and practices into the classroom.

In the BEAR project, Palle Rye is working on patient-driven diagnostics and fitting.

Welcome, Palle!