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Welcome, Mengfan Wu – BEAR Project

Welcome, Mengfan Wu

On March 1, 2018 Mengfan Wu has started as a PhD student at University of Southern Denmark.

Mengfan Wu has gained two master degrees in University College London (MA Linguistics & MRes Speech, Language and Cognition). While studying her first master’s, she started to have strong interest in neuroscience and hearing research. The title of her first project is Cortical Entrainment and N400 to Accented and Competing Speech: a Comparison between L1 and L2 Listeners. With a growing passion in hearing loss research, she then conducted a psychophysics project to study the developmental effect and the effect of hearing loss on the interaction between temporal processing and speech-in-noise perception.

Mengfan Wu’s position is related to the work areas for New strategies for profiling and fitting, and Validation of new strategies.

Welcome, Mengfan Wu!