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Welcome, Jens Bo Nielsen – BEAR Project

Welcome, Jens Bo Nielsen

On 1 December 2017, Jens Bo Nielsen started as a senior scientist at the Centre for Applied Hearing Research at the Technical University of Denmark. He has earlier worked on other projects at the same place, and primarily contributed to the development of hearing tests and speech material for measurement of speech intelligibility. In the BEAR project, Jens Bo Nielsen will continue to develop hearing tests, but with a wider scope. In the BEAR projekt, speech intelligibility is an important area, but so is the overall user experience of their hearing aids. The developed tests will, for instance, include assessment of whether the user is annoyed by noise or has problems with the localization of sounds.

Jens Bo Nielsen is pleased with the collaboration between universities, hospitals and the hearing aids industry, which is a vital part of the BEAR project. “Often it is a very slow proces to mediate the knowledge of new hearing tests – years can pass from a test is developed until it is applied clinically. In the BEAR project we have all options for shortening this process”, he explains. “At the same time we can take advantage of earlier developed materials at the Centre for Applied Hearing Research”.

Jens Bo Nielsen’s work area is Aided performance in real life jointly with Aalborg University (primarily).

Welcome, Jens Bo!