Hvem vi er
Teknisk Audiolog
Odense Universitetshospital
Amalie Tage Stubberup
Amalie Tage Stubberup fik sin Bachelor of Science grad i teknisk audiologi fra det Syddansk Universitet, Danmark i 2016. Derefter tog hun sin kandidat grad i teknisk audiologi ved Syddansk Universitet i 2019 for sit studie “Spørgeskemaundersøgelse af høreapparatbehandling blandt voksne i Region Syddanmark”. Siden 1. marts 2019 har hun arbejdet som teknisk audiolog ved Odense Universitetshospital, og startede i BEAR projektet den 1. januar 2020.
Amalie Tage Stubberup vil primært arbejde med udfordringerne knyttet til den kliniske validering af nye metoder i høreapparat rehabiliteringen.
2021 |
Cañete, Oscar M; Stubberup, Amalie T; Petersen, Lotte S E; Sánchez, Raul; Nielsen, Jens Bo; Lund, Katja; Ordoñez, Rodrigo; Schmidt, Jesper H; Hougaard, Dan Dupont; Schnack-Petersen, Rikke; Gaihede, Michael; Hammershøi, Dorte; Loquet, Gérard Clinical implementation of the Better hEAring Rehabilitation (BEAR) new strategies to improve hearing aid fitting process Inproceedings Oral presentation at the International Symposium on Auditory and Audiological Research: Vol 8: The Auditory System Throughout Life – Models, Mechanisms, and Interventions, 2021. @inproceedings{oscar_ISAAR2021, title = {Clinical implementation of the Better hEAring Rehabilitation (BEAR) new strategies to improve hearing aid fitting process}, author = {Oscar M Cañete and Amalie T. Stubberup and Lotte S. E. Petersen and Raul Sánchez and Jens Bo Nielsen and Katja Lund and Rodrigo Ordoñez and Jesper H Schmidt and Dan Dupont Hougaard and Rikke Schnack-Petersen and Michael Gaihede and Dorte Hammershøi and Gérard Loquet}, url = {https://isaar.eu/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/Programme-book-ISAAR-2021.pdf}, year = {2021}, date = {2021-08-23}, booktitle = {Oral presentation at the International Symposium on Auditory and Audiological Research: Vol 8: The Auditory System Throughout Life – Models, Mechanisms, and Interventions}, keywords = {}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {inproceedings} } |
Ordoñez, Rodrigo; Lund, Katja; Nielsen, Jens Bo; Rye, Palle; Cañete, Oscar M; Stubberup, Amalie T; Petersen, Lotte S E; Schmidt, Jesper H; Hougaard, Dan Dupont; Gaihede, Michael; Loquet, Gérard; Hammershøi, Dorte Probing first-fit experiences in adult new hearing aid users Inproceedings Oral presentation at the International Symposium on Auditory and Audiological Research: Vol 8: The Auditory System Throughout Life – Models, Mechanisms, and Interventions, 2021, 2021. @inproceedings{katja_ISAAR2021, title = {Probing first-fit experiences in adult new hearing aid users}, author = {Rodrigo Ordoñez and Katja Lund and Jens Bo Nielsen and Palle Rye and Oscar M Cañete and Amalie T. Stubberup and Lotte S. E. Petersen and Jesper H Schmidt and Dan Dupont Hougaard and Michael Gaihede and Gérard Loquet and Dorte Hammershøi}, url = {https://isaar.eu/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/Programme-book-ISAAR-2021.pdf}, year = {2021}, date = {2021-08-23}, booktitle = {Oral presentation at the International Symposium on Auditory and Audiological Research: Vol 8: The Auditory System Throughout Life – Models, Mechanisms, and Interventions, 2021}, keywords = {}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {inproceedings} } |
Odense Universitetshospital
Rikke Schnack-Petersen
Aalborg Universitetshospital
Michael Gaihede
Københavns Universitetshospital
Jesper Borchorst Yde
Syddansk Universitet
Jesper Hvass Schmidt
Aalborg Universitet
Dorte Hammershøi
Danmarks Tekniske Universitet
Torsten Dau
Karen Wibling Solgård
GN Resound
Nikolai Bisgaard
Filip Marchman Rønne